
My name is Jagoda and since I remembered I was always taking great pleasure in sharing my creations with others. Clearly, photography checks all the boxes and this is why I would like to share this joy with you. 

My love for photography started when I became a mom and was following my son Ernest with a camera, trying to capture all those precious moments together. With time I noticed (and tested on my friends) that I enjoy not only photographing children but also adults! That is why I decided to completing course at Magic photography academy by Basiolandia photography.

I am confident that with this knowledge I am able to prepare you for a unique photoshoot with beautiful results and without any unnecessary stress. 

I would love to see you happily framing your memories and putting them on the walls as well as creating lovely photo albums that you would be happy to share with others. Let's create something unforgettable together!



Sebastian & Marlena

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"W dobie obecnej technologii można zrobić ładne zdjęcie nawet telefonem ale Jagoda potrafi jeszcze więcej. Korzystając ze swoich talentów m.in twórczych i artystycznych nadaje fotografii piękna i klimatu. Sama sesja również odbyła się w bardzo ciepłej i miłej atmosferze. My jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni i szczerze polecamy!"

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